hey and more
Marginal Gains SPF Records – The interworkings of the Web – DKIMValidator.com List of Common English Interjections Google UTM Tagging Tool – Online Spreadsheet
What Is A Needle Mover?
NEEDLE MOVERS are… 1. 80/20 = the most valuable activities you can take to grow your business (increase revenue and profit, and/or market share) resulting in a disproportionate ROI: super high returns for the time (start to finish), money (soft & hard costs), and effort (difficulty and skills required) invested. 2. PROVEN = certainty of […]
UTM Tagging
Google UTM Tagging Tool (by Cardinal Path) *you can get your own copy of this here: Google Analytics UTM Tagging Tool
Split Test Calculator
This spreadsheet is the best I have found to get the real numbers for any split test. statistical_significance_calculator 2  *I got it from here https://iterativepath.wordpress.com/2011/07/03/a-closer-look-at-ab-testing/
Retargeting 3.0
Brief History of Retargeting: Retargeting 1.0 = Placing a Pixel – 95% who use retargeting are doing this Retargeting 2.0 = Segmenting Pixels – 4.9999% who use retargeting are doing this (A little extra work can save 50% of your budget while increasing profits) Retargeting 3.0 = Laddering Pixels – 0.0001% who use retargeting are […]
Pixel Swapping
Pixel Swapping (nearly two three years old and just now sharing in public) What it is: Placing a retargeting pixel of yours on another website/page. What it does: Allows you to Retarget other peoples traffic. You can specify certain pages like a thank you page 😉 Who is it for? Anyone who wants to have […]
Marginal Gains for Business
Any business needs to understand the benefits and process of marginal gains. It was first brought to my attention in an article about the British Cycling Team. They went from one of the worst to the top team in the sport using this method…(worth reading) What happened is that they focused on the “little things” […]
Tools I Like and Use
I like / use: https://www.tableau.com/ (for data), https://www.emailhippo.com/ for list cleaning, https://www.surveygizmo.com/ (surveys), https://www.salesmessage.com/ (2 way SMS conversations), https://baymard.com/products/studies (Ecommerce Research Studies like Checkout flow etc), https://builtwith.com/ (tech data across the web), https://www.shiftyjelly.com/pocketcasts/ (changed how I listen to podcasts in a GREAT way. They have a mobile and desktop and web based apps that all […]
Google Postmaster Setup
It takes about 5 minutes to setup and does not back date so worth doing ASAP to start and continue gathering YOUR data which is free and provides insight into these gmail (and gsuite): These are the steps to set it up: (It only takes about 5 minutes to setup) Go to postmaster.google.com. On the bottom-right, […]
Google Custom Reports
This survey is powered by SurveyGizmo’s online survey software. Please take my survey now