I dare you to do in 5 years what WE can do TOGETHER in UNDER 12 weeks
Stage 1: The Shift
This will fundamentally improve the way you make decisions and operate your entire company. Understand exactly where your business is today in regards to the market, vertical and stage of growth. Where the data gathering is weak and what is needed to truly become a data driven company.
Stage 2: Strategic Foundation
Set suitable and appropriate strategies for your market, vertical and stage of growth. Sequencing the roadmap with the exact strategies derived from hard data that allow for swift and clear acceleration towards growth & profits.
Stage 3: Tactical Implementation
Roll out and execution of proven data driven strategies with minimal resource waste, by either your team or my vetted network of experts. We’ll also select and incorporate best of breed software that boost productivity and reduce constraints.
Stage 4: Iterations and Marginal Gains
Large and small data-driven course corrections are made quickly… when statistical confidence is reached. Next steps forward are determined by measured successes towards and deviations from goals.
Stage 5: Strategic Expansion
Extending and enhancing suitable and appropriate strategies for your market, vertical, and stage of growth. Confirming and/or aligning your roadmap sequence with hard data strategies that perpetuate swift and clear acceleration towards growth & profits.
Stage 6: The Training Wheels Come Off
There is no obligation nor expectation that we continue together from here. Whether it’s a 6, 12, or 18 month roadmap, we’ll establish benchmarks and ensure strategies and processes are installed that will guide your company to total market domination.
We will jointly look over the progress and challenges faced with a goal of understanding what happens from here. There is no obligation nor expectation that we continue together from here as my goal is to have you and your business on a new trajectory that you can carry forward. A 3-6 month and 3 year roadmap are established and benchmarks are in place to guide any and all progress moving forward.